District A-1 Lions Clubs
The District that made Lions "International"


International status for Lions was attained with the formation of the Border Cities Lions Club in the city of Windsor on March 12, 1920. This club is now known as the Windsor Downtown Lions Club.

During that year, many clubs were formed in Ontario (including Toronto and London Central) and District A became the first district outside the United States. Over the years, as more clubs were formed, additional districts were required and thus in 1938, District A-1, A-2 & A-3 were formed creating Multiple District "A".

District A-1 is located in Southwestern Ontario and covers an area roughly from London to Windsor and from Lake Erie to the southern tip of Georgian Bay. Presently there are 50 clubs in the district raising funds and working for their communities.

Contributions in this District vary from a couple of hundred dollars for the needy to thousands of dollars for charities, leader dogs, hearing ear dogs and special skills dogs. Lions in District A-1 have supplied the funds to build health centres in rural communities, Scout Halls, Retirement Homes and to supply much needed equipment to hospitals. District A-1 came together with several other districts to provide over $250,000 to help build Ronald MacDonald House in London.

If you are ready to contribute to your community and do something very rewarding, check out the Lions Club in your area.



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