A1 Convention Highlights

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Sunday January 15, 2012

A1 Convention Highlights

 Special Things that Clubs in Zone 2E have done to enhance the lives of people.

Zone Chair John Johnston asked clubs in Zone 2E to tell him about "special things” that their club has done this past Lions year to enhance the lives of people or organizations within the community. “These special things" were to be something that presidents feel in their hearts best exemplifies our motto "We Serve". He said, "I don't need to know how much money you gave, how many members helped, etc. I just need to know how you feel your club made someone’s life better, an organization more able to help others in the community or what your club did will benefit someone or others in the future."

These are some of the responses.

-        Focusing on the youngsters in the community, each year the club holds a fishing derby in a stocked fishing hole belonging to a supporter of the club. The kids & club members love it, they help to bait hooks and measure fish.

-        Our club received a request from a member to see if we could help an individual who is in the process of going blind. It was explained that there are special glasses available that will help him see better for a little longer. This individual came to one of our meetings and described his current situation, what these special glasses would do for him and asked if we could help. After he left the meeting our club’s response was immediate and we voted unanimously to help him. Two weeks later he returned with the glasses and by connecting them to a projector showed us what he could now see and explained that he had seen his kids faces instead of shadows for the first time in years and how appreciative he was for what we had done for him. Luckily we all had our dinner napkins with us.

-        One Lions club event that many local families look forward to each year is the Canada Day eve fireworks display. It is always a money looser but everyone loves the display and heaps praise and expressions or gratitude on us each year.

-        This year we entertained two grade 12 students from Lord Dorchester High School who gave a presentation in support of their planned trip to Ghana. They will travel to a small village and will teach English and help to build a schoolroom. They gave a great presentation and promised to come back and share their experiences on their return.

-        Our club heard about family and friends that were holding a BBQ fundraiser for the parents of a child with cancer. They were doing this to help offset some of the costs that they would have while with their daughter during her treatments. Unbeknownst to the family our club arrived at the BBQ and set up one of our tents as our contribution to their cause. We still receive comments of thanks from the family and guests for our gesture.

-        We were asked by a local school to help them with purchasing some educational equipment. Instead of just giving them money we offered to handle all of the logistics of putting on a spaghetti dinner fundraiser. We provided the hall, the food, the refreshments and the people of the school manned the food table and helped with the cleanup. We then turned over all of the proceeds from the night to the school. With the funds and the generosity of the equipment supplier the school was able to purchase double the amount of equipment originally planned for.  

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