This letter was sent to the Petrolia Cookie
Lady (Karen Wilson, Petrolia Lions). This letter says it all and this is why
she sends cookies to our Canadian Troops.
Karen is a Lion who has now sent over 40,000 home made cookies
to our Canadian Troops.
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2011 10:09:33 -0600
Subject: Thanks from Kabul, Afghanistan
My name is LCol Rob Carter and I am the
Canadian Commander for all the Canadians who are working with
the Afghan Air Force in their primary training centre in Kabul,
Afghanistan. We travel outside the wire each day to/from the
Afghan compound where we work, and upon arrival back at our base
camp today, we were all surprised to see a number of boxes
labelled for us from Hero to Hero. We very enthusiastically
opened each box, and low and behold were some fabulous cookies
waiting for us...from you! There is nothing like some cookies
from back home, made with love, care, and attention, just asking
to be eaten by some hungry Airmen and Airwomen upon returning
from a long and hot day's work.
My crew of course dug in with enthusiam,
and are all walking around with full bellies and smiles on their
face. I would be remiss in not thanking you for investing your
time, money, and energy into providing these for us, and for
that I am very grateful. We are here to promote education and
professionalism in the Afghan culture, and it is often hard to
be spit at, have rocks thrown at you, or worse...from those you
are here to help, and not wonder if it is all worth it. So when
we get sent a reminder of home, it reminds us that it is all
worth while, and that our investment of our national treasure
into this struggling country is important, even if it will take
time for those here to realize it. We do it for them not because
it is easy, but because it is right, and the thoughts and
prayers (and cookies) from our fellow Canadians makes all the
difference in the world.
Keep baking those cookies, and never stop
being part of the team!!!
LCol Rob Carter
Advisory to the Afghan Air Force PeH Chief of Staff
Chief of Staff 738 Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron
Canadian Team Lead – PeH
Kabul, Afghanistan