The Dick
Kennedy Visitation Contest is held annually to encourage more visits by
Club members, thus bringing A-1 closer together. Governor’s Official
visits are not included.
• For
Each member accompanying VDG, Region or Zone Chair on official visits
• For
each member visiting another club in own zone for any function (min 2
• For
each member visiting another club in another zone for any function (Min 2
• For
each member visiting another club in another district at least 25 miles
away any function (min 4 members)
• For
each member visiting a Lions club 500 miles away from home club (Must be
accompanied with proof of visit from club visited)
Visitation contest is current Lion’s year, July 1-June 30.
The Dick Kennedy Award will be given to the top Club in A-1. Banner
patches will be given to the top Clubs in each Region.