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District A-1 Lions Clubs
The District that made Lions "International"

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Bulletin Contest
100% Club Award
Club President
100% Secretary
100% Treasurer
Bulletin Contest
Dick Kennedy



Pro-rated per issue during the contest period.  Number of points awarded on publication during the contest is divided by the number of bulletins published during the contest period.  (October to February)

Maximum possible score 100

Cover / Format - 5 points

 Only five (5) points are allotted to the format so that clubs which can spend $1000 or $10 will have equal chance to win.  We hope this will encourage more participation.

The main requirement for the format (cover page) is to identify the name of the club, bulletin editors name and address, the district, region and zone number must be shown.

 The format may also contain such other information which the club considers appropriate.  The major emphasis will be placed on content.

 The Contest runs from October to February inclusive and points will be awarded for two (2) categories. 

Content 70 Points

Date/time/ place and program for the next meeting

7 points

Report on club activities

7 points

Coming events & information at the Club (Region/ District /International level)
7 points
Information relative to membership development & retention
7 points
Report on previous meetings including any action by the Board of Directors
7 points
Constructive editorials
7 points
Personal news of members
7 points
General info as it concerns your District and the International
7 points
Effective use of humour
7 points
Continuous receipt of bulletin
7 points

 General Effect - 25 Points 

This is the overall general readability and style of the bulletin. 

Bulletins are classified  by the frequency of publication  ( monthly, twice monthly)

 Immediately following our District contest the winners and runners up are entered for competition at the Multiple District A level. 

Deductions—10 points for each use of humour in bad taste and for plagiarism!

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